Irvine: Hahahahaha! Ya missed! (Van throws one, misses)
Van: Oh yeah?
Irvine: Hahahahaha
Van: Just wait, I’ll getcha! ((onscreen)Van throws one, misses, Irvine throws one, misses, Van throws two, misses)
Irvine: Hahahahaha! Nice throw. ((onscreen)Irvine pegs Van in the head, knocking him down) (Score: Irvine-1;Van-0)
Van: Augh!
Irvine: Hahahahaha!
Van: Okay, that’s one. I gotcha! (Irvine throws one, hits Van)(Score: 2:0) Aah!
Irvine: Nah…
Van: Okay, okay, I (Irvine throws one, hits Van again)(Score: 3:0) Augh!
Irvine: Hahahahaha!
Van: Huh! (Van throws one, misses)
Irvine: Nice try.
Van: I can get you now! (Irvine throws a couple, hits Van)(Score: 5:0) Aaa-ha!
Irvine: Hahahahaha!
Van: Okay, now I’m gonna get you.
Irvine: Not really. (Irvine throws one, hits Van)(Score: 6:0)
Van: Aah!
Irvine: Hahahahahaha!
Van: Okay, I ah, (Irvine throws one, misses) You look over there, and then I’ll throw them at you.
Irvine: That’s a good idea.
Van: Ha! (Van throws one, misses)
Irvine: Hahahahaha! Nice shot! ((onscreen)Irvine throws one, misses)
Van: Huh! Huh! Huh! ((onscreen)Van throws three, misses every time) ((offscreen)Irvine throws one, hits Van)(Score: 7:0) Ow!
Irvine: You’re awful at this. (Van throws two, misses)
Van: Nuh uh.
Irvine: Haven’t you ever seen snow? (some sort of indistinguishable mocking) Hahahahaha!
Van: Hey knock it off!
Irvine: That’s not fair!
(Sounds of someone falling in the snow, perhaps being tackled?)
Van: Yaah!